Friday, July 24, 2009

My Dilemma

Life is interesting enough without me having to add my own inadequacies and quirky behaviors to it. I feel so in the middle sometimes; like between a woman and a young adult. Perhaps because that’s where I am? I just feel the need to draw out a defined line between the two but I don’t know if that’s possible. I say I feel the need because, being the reflective individual that I am, it would be nice to analyze the two sides of the spectrum that still exist within me (or do they?) and what parts of being young can coexist with being an adult (such an intriguing word).

I do do do want to grow into a wonderful adult woman and am enjoying what (minimal) progress I have made so far. I just would like to believe that one can become an adult without becoming void of all youthfulness or fun and without turning into something overly serious and overly ritualistic. I would like to morph into someone who is serious about what needs to be serious and leaves room for joy and the outward expressions of that for all the other times (not to say that the two can’t exist at the same time) and yes, occasionally nerdy-ness.

So, my dilemma becomes shifting through the difference between light hearted joy and simple foolishness. In the next few blogs, I will address this in my life.

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